Muruga Barathi


How to choose one – Q & A

There are no universally accepted definitions for these professions. For your understanding, I will brief them in simple words. Motivational Talk is a powerful oration, useful for a mass audience, with an usual duration of 30 to 60 minutes and occasional in nature. Training is the transfer of knowledge of a subject with activities, for a small group of participants, and mostly, it is periodical in nature. The duration may vary from 3 hours, One Day or many days. Coaching is mainly asking questions to realize on one’s own and giving feedback and it is continuous in nature for a period of time. Counseling is a goal-oriented discussion, which results in better understanding of a specific crisis / situation, on a one-to-one basis. Usually it takes 3 to 4 sessions. Guidance is an expert advice from a superior, to make better decisions, and generally it’s a one-time activity.

Nothing is superior or inferior. It’s all about the client’s need. Though the method of delivery differs from one to another, all of these are parts of helping profession. In fact, they are inter-connected and overriding in nature. I request you not to worry much about the usage of various “Terms” (words), at least in the beginning “term” (period). Instead, concentrate on the “Terms” (Conditions) and promises of the provider. The main thing you need to understand that all these professions should be undertaken for the client’s betterment, and not for the provider’s selfish motives. So, choose a person who is time-worthy, trust-worthy and teach-worthy.

Trust ME! Some fellow trainers mention me as “Ignorant of Survival”. But, I am an “Opponent of Survival”. YES..! I want to live and not just to survive. I am living a life of purpose, with morality and integrity. There may be any number of trainers, better talented than me. But, I can proudly say that I am the best trainer in terms of honesty, preaching only what I practice and in work for others’ betterment. You can check whether I am time-worthy, teach-worthy and trust-worthy, by watching my videos (links provided in this website), by reading my profile (given in this website), or enquiring anyone from hundreds of brands and thousands of people benefited by me.

I am doing “Need analysis” for all my client-side programs and tailoring our programs based on that. Even for the public programs, I am clearly defining the objectives. It empowers me to transform the people beyond their limits and potential. Through my training programs, an individual can bloom within, be happy and motivated, enhance his / her knowledge, enrich relationships and improve skills such as communication, leadership and problem solving. It is my motto to help the individual to develop in profession and to better in life.

You can avail my professional services, in three ways. One is “Contact & Contract”. To invite me, to your Company / Institution / Organization, to deliver Motivational Talks, Employee Training, Leadership Coaching or Counseling, kindly send a message to the mobile number / send a mail to the email id, given in the “Contact” page of this website. Second option is “Choose & Chase”. This is suitable for Books & Goodies. Third option is “Check & Click”. This website is mainly used to conduct online courses in various topics. Kindly go to the online courses page, check all the courses available, view the samples and join one or more courses.

Learning attitude and Understanding Capacity of Tamil / English – are the two basics, needed to join any course. (Want to learn Tamil language? – Click here) Other than these two, there is no other bar of Education, Profession, Gender, Age, Country, Status, Color, Caste, etc., to use my services. I want to support everyone in need.